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the last shot. Wade

已有 966 次阅读2010-6-21 10:54 |个人分类:cheap jerseys

Lebron James

"Facts; as is known to all, mike brown is a nanny in knight type, when he gets coach arrangement and James idea conflict, knight, mostly in the tactics of James. As the game this season and heat, brown, but James for defense and the decision marking, the last shot. Wade,

Prediction: (December 2009, shaq on ESPN interview said James will now have the ability to coaching a NBA teams, "because of his basketball IQ is phenomenal." Actually is the most important reason is the team, James, his absolute core and leader of the supreme authority. Sports illustrated the columnist Tim wave husband tucker said: "let us give a chance, let him lebron James scored most valuable player and coach award".
Derek fisher

[a] game that, the lakers 20 secondsphil Jackson stopped short putting fisher took tactics board, decorate for the team next attack tactics. Bryant, gasol, in such star Derek fisher side listen carefully. Of course"The biggest advantage: fisher forecast, the leader is his, and he has habit, because of the team in the NBA for, he still holds the NBA players chairman of the committee. Derek fisher's style, similar to the celtics team construction solidarity in rivers, the dressing room atmosphere, came up on command is the strongest players play basketball. Imagine: time only 0.4 seconds behind the team, holding the ball and 1 points and Derek fisher said: coach...

Andrew are analyzed

"In fact NBA for 8 years, has played nine teams, with the trend, to 35 years old, he will play at least half of the team in the NBA. He said that in the cli ers in game, the coach, has been asking his advice, he asked to other players and other characteristics of the tactical coach.

"In the world, the NBA forecast is more suitable for an advisor or analyzed assistant coach, but not really suitable for coach because he has an inherent disadvantages: slightly stuttering. In the NBA, stoppage time is limited, manager must have JiZhi, hurry and first-class eloquence, want when players are analyzed and coach, must improve their language ability.

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